The trip to Bumthang was great!
I still didn't found the time to write about, but pictures will follow tomorrow!
It probably takes that much time because clumsy me fell in the street of Thimphu after a cosy evening out at the OM bar (no I wasn't drunk!!) The result is that I have this ugly little hole in my leg (nope, didn't broke anything) and that I walk like an elephant...
Yesterday evening Maarten gave me some magic potion to feel better, except that I felt like flying on the moon :-). Sonam and Maarten a little worried took me to the hospital for some X-ray. Everything was ok, except for some blood pressure problems (the reason for my flying problem) The good thing about this is that we could even see a hospital in Bhutan. And even the best hospital of Bhutan! For your imagination: Take the movie the english patient as a scene, add a rat and some puking people and you have the image of the hospital. But not like in Belgium, the hospital is totally free, and they are very friendly!
not drunk, magic potion, flying on the moon?? heeft er iemand de cannabis planten gesnoeid en ergens aan het verbranden geweest? : )